A forum for strengthening local governance


  • RDLG forum is designed as an online discussion platform for strengthening decentralization and local self-governance.
  • Anyone interested in these subjects can become a member.
  • Membership can be taken either through invitation from Kila or other members or directly through the portal https://rdlg.kila.ac.in/
  • Members also have the right to invite others to join this forum.
  • This venue is a public space. All members will have the opportunity to work as one.
  • Insulting, slandering, slandering others and untrue responses are not allowed in this forum.
  • Moderators have the authority to remove from membership those who act contrary to the intended objectives, principles and procedures of this forum.
  • Members will have the opportunity to suggest topics to be discussed and participate in the discussion.
  • It is up to the moderator to decide the priority of discussion topics.
  • The discussion period of a topic can be fixed by the moderator according to the importance of the topic.
  • The summary of the discussion will be published within one week after the conclusion of the discussion.
  • Moderators are allowed to make typos and language corrections.
  • If there is any doubt about the content, the moderator will contact the concerned member and publish with the permission of the member.
  • Discussion will be on one topic at a time. Responses will be on that topic only. Only responses to the respective topic will be published. It is a platform for constructive discussion.
  • The discussion shall end on the closing date indicated by the moderator when he introduces the topic.
  • You can respond in this discussion in English or Malayalam. But dont write Malayalam in English scripts.
  • Members should take care to keep the responses as brief as possible.
  • This platform will have facility to upload images and case studies related to respective topics.
  • Those who send proposals for discussion topics should write not more than ten lines about the background of the topic, why the topic should be discussed, and what topics will be clearly obtained through this discussion.